golem pokemon
golem pokemon

Golemisabipedaltortoise-likeboulderPokémonwithasphericalbodycoveredbyashellofplated,greenrocks.Itsbodyissohardthatevendynamitecannot ...Golem(Pokémon)/Generation...·Ponyta(Pokémon)·III·IV,AsaRockandGround-typePokémon,GolemisespeciallyweakagainstG...

Golem - Pokemon GO Wiki

Golemwasoncewellknownasalegendarybirdkiller,preyingontheirpervasiveRock-typeweakness.Itbenefitsfromstrongstats,excellentmoves, ...

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Golem (Pokémon)

Golem is a bipedal tortoise-like boulder Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks. Its body is so hard that even dynamite cannot ... Golem (Pokémon)/Generation... · Ponyta (Pokémon) · III · IV

Golem (Pokémon GO)

As a Rock and Ground-type Pokémon, Golem is especially weak against Grass and Water-type moves, and weak against Fighting, Ground, Ice, and Steel-type moves. Golem CP and IV Chart · Moves · Trainer Battles · Counters

Golem | Pokémon Wiki

Origin. Golem appears to be based on a rock or boulder with elements of a tortoise, animals believed to carry the world on their backs in some mythologies.

Golem Pokédex

Golem is a Rock/Ground type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Golem has an Alolan Form, introduced in Pokémon Sun/Moon.

Golem - Pokemon GO Wiki

Golem was once well known as a legendary bird killer, preying on their pervasive Rock-type weakness. It benefits from strong stats, excellent moves, ...

Golem | Pokédex

It deliberately blows itself up, then uses this explosive force to jump from mountain to mountain. It is enclosed in a hard shell that is as rugged as slabs ...

Golem - #076

Flavor Text. Golem Sprite, Sun, Its body can survive dynamite blasts without a single scratch, but it hates rain and humidity.

Golem | SM

Golem is the premier Stealth Rock setter in the tier. Sturdy enables it to almost always set up Stealth Rock as well as check opposing Pokemon in an emergency.


Golemisabipedaltortoise-likeboulderPokémonwithasphericalbodycoveredbyashellofplated,greenrocks.Itsbodyissohardthatevendynamitecannot ...Golem(Pokémon)/Generation...·Ponyta(Pokémon)·III·IV,AsaRockandGround-typePokémon,GolemisespeciallyweakagainstGrassandWater-typemoves,andweakagainstFighting,Ground,Ice,andSteel-typemoves.GolemCPandIVChart·Moves·TrainerBattles·Counters,Origin.Golemappearstobebas...